Dhofar University Celebrates Successful Virtual Exchange Program

Dhofar University Celebrates Successful Virtual Exchange Program

The College of Arts and Applied Sciences (CAAS) at Dhofar University (DU) held a certificate-giving ceremony to honor students who participated in a virtual exchange program with Tulane University. This program is a testament to Dhofar University’s commitment in providing students with an international educational experience. Dr. Khalid Almashikhi, Dean of CAAS presented certificates to the participating students. Faculty members who played a key role in the program’s success were also present. These included Dr. Julius, Chair of the English Language and Literature department, Dr. Abdulwahid Al Zumor and Dr. Syerina Syahrin. DU and Tulane signed Memorandum of Understanding in November 2020. To date, 524 students from DU from the English and Education departments experienced virtual collaboration with Tulane instructors and students. The students who shared their virtual learning experiences at the ceremony highlighted the program’s ability to break down cultural barriers and promote a deeper understanding. Despite the time difference, students from both universities were able to collaborate effectively and co-produced assignments together. Dr. Isaac, a faculty member of Tulane University attended the ceremony virtually. Dr. Isaac commended the program for fostering “global mindedness” among DU and Tulane students. The success of the virtual exchange program represents a significant achievement for Dhofar University and Tulane University. Both universities are committed to their internationalization strategies, the pursuit of top level teaching and service learning, intercultural exchange program, and research collaboration.