Appointment of Dr. Issam Bahdoor as the Dean of the College of Engineering
Dr. Issam Bahdoor is an Associate Professor in Mechanical Engineering with a career spanning over 20 years, encompassing academic, scientific, and community achievements. This journey has enriched him with accumulated knowledge, leadership proficiency, and administrative experience. He has progressed through academic ranks within the Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department at Sultan Qaboos University. He was appointed Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Studies in the College of Engineering (2016-2020) contributing to the modernization of the academic programs. Additionally, he assumed the role of Head of the Quality Assurance and Academic Accreditation (QAAA) Unit within the College (2021-2023). Dr. Bahdoor has been instrumental in achieving international academic accreditation for college programs from the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) in the United States. He also contributed to formulating the national co-operative training program “Eidaad.” He has received many academic recognitions, including the “Distinguished Teacher” award during the University Day in 2022. Dr. Bahdoor holds doctoral and master’s degrees in mechanical engineering from the University of Toronto, Canada, in 2013 and 2006, respectively, and a bachelor’s degree from Sultan Qaboos University in 2003.