Academic Programs
Dhofar University is the first private university in the Sultanate of Oman after the American system of higher education. It offers two-year diploma and four-year bachelor degrees that follow… READ MORE

كلية الآداب والعلوم التطبيقية
DU formally commenced its operations in September 2004 on the premises of the National College for Science and Technology which was officially incorporated into Dhofar University…. READ MORE

كلية التجارة وإدارة الأعمال
CCBA is one of the colleges at Dhofar University offering program in the area of business management. CCBA was established as one of the three colleges at … READ MORE

كلية الهندسة
The College of Engineering seeks in its curricula an optimal balance between solid engineering practice based on a science background and professional engineering practice…. READ MORE

كلية الحقوق
The College of Law offers a full-fledged Master’s & Bachelor’s degree program that harmonizes all legal fields, based on the credit hours system… READ MORE

Centre for Preparatory Studies
The Centre for Preparatory Studies is a one-year bridge course intended to equip high school graduates to pursue university majors and is undertaken by most university students in Oman…. READ MORE