قسم الهندسة الكيميائية بجامعة ظفار ينظم محاضرة عامة لتوجيه طلاب البكالوريوس نحو النجاح
In a bid to empower students academically and foster connections with the industry, the College of Engineering at Dhofar University hosted an inspiring lecture titled “Challenges and Strategies for Success for Undergraduate Students.” The session was led by the accomplished Eng. Mohammed Ali Hamed Yasser, an exceptional graduate of Dhofar University known for his academic […]
جامعة ظفار توقع مذكرة تفاهم مع وزارة العمل
جامعة ظفار تشارك في حوار المعرفة العالمي
Dates of Registration and Add & Drop Spring 2024-2025
Click on the following links to download Dates of Registration and Add & Drop Spring 2024-2025. Registration Dates Spring 24-25 تواريخ التسجيل والحذف والإضافة Importants Dates التواريخ المهمة Dates of Registration Spring 24-25 مواعيد التسجيل
البرنامج التعريفي لطلبة الفترة المسائية
The CPS Evening Students’ Committee organized a two-session orientation program on 14 and 15 January 2025 for evening students in their classroom at Dhofar University. On the first day, the committee members, along with the CPS Deputy Director and some coordinators, engaged with students to introduce the committee’s mission of facilitating students’ access to DU […]