افتتاح أكاديمية الصيف لطلبة المدارس بجامعة ظفار 2023
"كيفية قضاء واستغلال الإجازة الصيفية" محاضرة افتراضية لمركز الارشاد الطلابي
As part of the continuation of the activities of the Students Counselling Center, the presentation of lectures, training programs, workshops and mentoring seminars for various members of the University of Dhofar, the Center held a virtual lecture through the Zoom program for students of the University on how to spend and exploit the summer vacation. […]
جامعة ظفار توقع اتفاقية تعاون مع هيئة البيئة
اليوم المفتوح للبرنامج التأسيسي 30, مايو, 2023
جامعة ظفار ترحب بطلبة التبادل الدوليين
The Vice Chancellor of Dhofar University, Professor Amer Al Rawas, met an intern student from Istanbul Technical University, Turkey, as part of the IAESTE program. The student, who will undergo training program at OQ and Dhofar University, represents the university’s ongoing commitment to internationalization and the provision of technical skills, diverse learning experiences, and multicultural […]
استكشاف مستقبل صلالة: جامعة ظفار تستضيف وزارة الإسكان وشركات الاستشارات الدولية
ورشة عمل لموظفي محكمة الاستئناف بصلالة حول "التأقلم مع بيئة العمل" نظمها مركز الإرشاد الطلابي
Within the framework of the continuous cooperation between Dhofar University and the various institutions of society, and desiring to develop and grow the staff in all respects, a workshop was organized on Thursday 22 of June 2023 for the employees of the Court of Appeal in Salalah, presented by Prof. Nasser Said Abdelrasheed, Director of […]
كونه من المراكز الأولى المعتمدة لاختبارات الايلتس .......المجلس الثقافي البريطاني يكرم جامعة ظفار
Dhofar University participated in a meeting of the British Council, which included accredited universities and training institutions as IELTS testing centers. The meeting took place on Monday, June 12, 2023, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Muscat. During the meeting, the university was awarded an appreciation certificate as one of the accredited primary centers for […]