حفل ختام البرامج التدريبية لمركز تدريب وتطوير الكوادر البشرية للعام الأكاديمي 2023/2024
تقرير عن محاضرة: استمتع بوقتك الجامعي (حقق التوازن بين الدراسة والأنشطة الترفيهية)
Dr. Mohamad Mohamad Bassyuni, Assistant Professor of Social Work at the Department of Social Sciences, gave a talk on Wednesday, 2 October, 2024 entitled: Enjoy Campus Time: Find a balance between academics and extracurricular activities. This lecture is a part of the activities of the Center for Student Counselling for Fall 2024/2025, in the domain […]
جامعة ظفار تقيم لقاء تعريفي للطلبة المستجدين للعام الأكاديمي 2024/2025 م
مجلس جامعة ظفار الاستشاري يعقد اجتماعه الأول للعام الأكاديمي 2025/2024م.
The Advisory Council of Dhofar University held its first meeting for the academic year 2024/2025 on Thursday; September 4, 2024, under the chairmanship of H.E. the retired Minister, Yusuf bin Alawi bin Abdullah Al Ibrahim, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Presentations were delivered on the university’s programs related to academia, research and community […]
جامعة ظفار تحتفل بنجاح برنامج الأكاديمية الصيفية في حفل ختامي رائع
اتفاقية تعاون
جامعة ظفار تحصل على منحة من إيراسموس بلس جان مونيه المرموقة
As the first educational institution in the Sultanate of Oman, Dhofar University becomes a pioneer receiving the Erasmus Plus Jean Monet distinguished Scholarship in the field of cultural competence and dialogue. This Scholarship will enhance the University’s offering and teaching of the relevant courses in partnership with University of Natural Sciences in the Czech Republic, […]
جامعة ظفار تعزز التميز الأكاديمي بمنح برامج تبادل هيئة التدريس
Dhofar University is proud to announce that three of DU faculty members will be participating in international exchange programs. This marks the first initiative of its kind at DU and showcases DU commitment to enhancing its global presence and fostering international academic collaborations. Dr. Mohammed Bait Ali Sulaiman and Dr. Lujain Mohsen El-Maghraby have been […]