وفد من جامعة الشرقية يزور جامعة ظفار لتعزيز التعاون في مجال الخدمات الطلابية
Wednesday, July 3, 2024 – Dhofar University received a visit from Al Sharqiya University’s Student Affairs Department as part of the ongoing collaboration between the two academic institutions in the Sultanate of Oman. The purpose of this visit was to gain insights into the services provided by the Deanship of Admission and Registration, Student Affairs, […]
جامعة ظفار توقع اتفاقية مع أوكيو لشبكات الغاز
جامعة ظفار تحقق إنجازاً بارزاً في المجلس الثقافي البريطاني
In a step that reflects academic excellence and continuous progress, Dhofar University is pleased to announce a new milestone in its educational and competitive journey. The Center for Community Service and Continuing Education at the university has made significant progress in the competition organized by the British Council. Last year, Dhofar University participated for the […]
جامعة ظفار تستقبل وفداً من جامعة مالايا الماليزية لتعزيز سبل التعاون الدولي
حققت جامعة ظفار المرتبة الأولى بين مؤسسات التعليم العالي في سلطنة عمان في تصنيف التأثير العالمي للجامعات (تايمز) 2024 ضمن فئة "801-1000" على مستوى العالم
“Times Higher Education” (THE) has ranked Dhofar University in the band 801-1000 among 2152 universities spread over 125 countries across the world and is the number one university in the TIMES “World University Impact Ranking” among Higher Education Institutions in the Sultanate of Oman, announced in Bangkok, Thailand on 12th of June 2024. Impact Ranking […]
مشاركة مركز الخدمات المهنية والتواصل مع الخريجين في الجلسة النقاشية لبرنامج "مكين"
The Career Services and Alumni Center participated in the virtual discussion session organized by the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology about its programme “Makeen” which targets training Omani youth for digital certificates. The session highlighted the objectives and phases of the program as well as how students and graduates can enhance their skills […]
زيادة ملحوظة في عدد الطلبة الحاصلين على مقاعد تدريبية في برنامج إعداد
Students from Dhofar University have successfully secured competitive placements at the national level in the Eidaad Program. Their participation stands out amid strong competition from hundreds of applicants from universities and higher institutes across Oman. This achievement reflects the university’s commitment to enhancing the quality of education through rigorous standards, aiming to qualify students and […]