Social and Recreational Activities

لمحة عامة

The social and recreational services play a vital role in improving the campus experiences of students and thereby their academic performance. Through social and recreational activities, students are provided with opportunities to exhibit their talents, work in a team, develop relationships, strengthen the bond with peers, staff and community at large, and gain self-confidence. This also helps them in acquiring interpersonal, communication, leadership and organizational skills, which put them in a better competitive position. At DU, most of the social and recreational activities are conducted through “Student Clubs”. There is a separate section called “Student Activities Section” in the DSA to organize and manage cultural, social, recreational and sports activities at DU.

Student Club Policy

DU has a Student Club Policy, based on which a group of at least five students who share common interests have the right to form a club and pursue related activities. The types of clubs allowed by the policy are: Athletics, Cultural, Social, Scientific and Recreational. Club activities include: organize cultural and sports competitions, publish newsletters and pamphlets, organize awareness campaigns and seminars, lectures, field trips and research. All club activities must conform to the religious principles, cultural preferences and moral standards of Omani Society.

Provision of Resources for Social and Recreational Activities

DU ensures that adequate financial resources are available to support student activities through the budgetary allocation in the annual budgets of the DSA and Colleges. In addition to this annual budgetary allocation, DU relies heavily on sponsorship of various events by public and private sector organisations.

Physical Facilities for Cultural, Social and Recreational Activities

DU provides necessary physical facilities for social and recreational activities for its students. These facilities are maintained by the Department of Technical Affairs (TAD). There are premises dedicated for student activities, which include a big Conference Hall, which can be used for staging events, as well as sports activities. In addition, there is one exhibition hall and four Lecture Halls.

The Social and Recreational Activities Organised at DU

DU organises a variety of social and recreational activities and provides opportunities for students to participate in the fields appropriate to their interests. These activities are organised throughout the year and are adequate in number and diversity so that the majority of the students have access to these activities and get an opportunity to exhibit their talents. Most of these activities are theme-based and have some message for the students. These are intended to support students’ well-being and personal development.

These activities include:

1-  Cultural and Social Activities

Cultural and social activities are managed by the “Cultural and Theater Activity Officer” in the Student Activities Section, in coordination with the Student Clubs. DU has several student clubs, under the supervision of the DSA. These clubs promote specific activities among students. These clubs also provide a forum for informal social interaction among students. In addition, there are some specific occasions, such as National Day celebration, Culture Week, the graduation ceremony, during which cultural activities are organised.

2-   Recreational and Sports Activities

Recreational and sports activities at DU are managed by the “Sports Activity Officer”. DU has an agreement with “Al Nasr Club” to use their facilities, particularly the football field and the gymnasium, which was equipped using University funds. In addition, DU has an informal agreement with “Al-Sada Sports Complex”, which is very close to the DU campus and where all DU students get “Youth Discount”.

3- Religious Activities

There is a Mosque on the University campus that caters to the religious needs of the students. In addition, the SAS arranges religious lectures by eminent guest speakers for students and also provides opportunities for students’ religious observance, consistent with Islamic beliefs and traditions.

4- Community Services

DU students also take part in community service activities organised by SAS. These include: tree plantation, blood donation camp, environment protection, health awareness programs, traffic awareness and safety programs, tourism guidance at the airport etc. for the benefit of the community. The staff and students of DU also participated in disaster management and relief programs as and when the need arises. DU encourages involvement of its students and staff in community services.

Encouraging Students’ Participation in Social and Recreational Activities

The DSA identifies students’ talents and provides them with opportunities to demonstrate these talents through various cultural, social and recreational activities. Students are encouraged to participate in these activities. Community-members are invited by the Department of Public Relations and External Cooperation to witness students’ talents at various events organised by the University. Students are regularly informed about forthcoming cultural, social and recreational activities and community service activities using the DU website, email, posters and electronic display boards, encouraging their participation in these events.

Clubs, Societies, Groups and Sports Teams at DU

Student Clubs, Societies and Groups can be at University level or at College level. At University level they function under the supervision of “Student Activities Section” and at College level under the supervision of “Student Affairs Committee”.

At present there are 59 clubs, societies, groups or sport teams, out of which 13 are at University level, 39 at College level and 7 in the Ladies Hostel. All these clubs, societies, groups or sport teams function independently but in coordination with their peers. For brief description about their activities Click Here.

1-  Clubs, Societies and Groups at University Level

  • جماعة المسرح
  • Music Lovers Club
  • Fitness Club
  • Painting Club
  • Cultural Group
  • Media Club
  • International Student Club
  • Health and Safety Group
  • Environment Protection, Community Service and Social Work Group
  • Religious Observance Group
  • Sports Club
  • DU Football Team
  • DU Volleyball Team

2-  Clubs, Societies and Groups at CAAS

  • Media Club
  • Health and Safety Group
  • Environment Protection, Community Service and Social Work Group
  • Study Group
  • Painting Club
  • Translation Group
  • Reading Group
  • English Language Group
  • Arabic Language Group
  • Computer Science Group
  • Maths Group
  • Education Group
  • Social Work Group
  • CAAS Football Team
  • CAAS Volleyball Team

3-  Clubs, Societies and Groups at CCBA

  • Business Society
  • Entrepreneurship Club
  • Media Club
  • International Student Club
  • Health and Safety Group
  • Environment Protection, Community Service and Social Work Group
  • Study Group
  • Our Welfare to our Folk Club
  • Friend’s Health Club
  • CCBA Football Team
  • CCBA Volleyball Team

4-  Clubs, Societies and Groups at CE

  • Engineers Society
  • International Student Club
  • Health and Safety Group
  • Environment Protection, Community Service and Social Work Group
  • Study Group
  • Football Team
  • Volleyball Team

5-  Clubs, Societies and Groups at CL

  • Law Club
  • Media Club
  • Health and Safety Group
  • Environment Protection, Community Service and Social Work Group
  • Football Team
  • Volleyball Team

6-  Clubs, Societies and Groups in the Hostel

  • Health and Safety Group
  • Environment Protection, Community Service and Social Work Group
  • Cultural Group
  • Study Group
  • Fitness Club
  • Religious Observance Group
  • Women Volleyball Team
Brief Description about Club Activities
1)-  Health and safety Groups

Health and safety of students, staff and visitors on the University campus is of prime importance and goes a long way in creating a healthy environment. In view of this, Health and safety groups are established at University level, Colleges level and at ladies Hostel. These groups assist Health and Safety Officer in conducting awareness programs for students and staff about the Health and Safety hazards within the University campus, including natural calamities; available safety measures and how these can be used; conducting mock drills; organising training sessions on first aid etc.

2)-  Environment Protection, Community Service and Social Work Group

All students at DU are expected and are morally obliged to engage themselves in social and community service and contribute to the welfare and betterment of the community. For that purpose, DU has an Environment protection, Community Service and Social Work Groups at University and College levels. These groups assist the concerned authorities in organising various community services and related activities, which can be both in-campus and off-campus and include: beach cleaning, tree plantation, blood donation, environment protection campaign etc.

3)-  International Student Club

Majority of the students at DU are Omani and only around 5% of the total student population consist of international students. These mainly come from countries like Yemen, Syria, Pakistan and Jordan. In order to make these students feel home and for understanding the cultural similarities and differences there are International Student Clubs at University and college level. These clubs organise get-together and various social and cultural activities. DU also has a dedicated “International Student Support Team” to guide, help and support them.

4)-  Religious Observance Group

There is a Mosque on the University campus with 2 full time priests that caters to the religious needs of the students. The Student Activities Section arranges religious lectures by eminent guest speakers for students and also provides opportunities for students’ religious observance, consistent with Islamic beliefs and traditions. There are Religious Observance Groups at university level and in the Ladies Hostel for organizing various religious activities.

5)-  Music Lovers Club1

This club provides an environment for students to learn, play and enjoy music. It exists at University and College level and offers a friendly environment for experiencing the world of music. The club gives performances at various University or College gatherings throughout the year

6)-  Fitness Club

DU has well-equipped gymnasium. The fitness club exist at University level and in the Ladies Hostel. The club tries to create awareness among students about being healthy and physically fit and also cultivate a habit among them of having regular exercise to keep the body heathy, fit and in shape.

7)-  Cultural Group

These groups exist at University and College level and in Ladies Hostel. The members of these groups aim at engaging in various cultural activities and giving performances within and outside the University. They also encourage participation of students in such activities.

8)-  Study Groups

These groups exist at College level and in the hostel. It aims at encouraging motivating and supporting the students in their studies. Many of these group members actively participate in Peer Tutoring activities conducted by Learning Support Center.

9)-  Media Club

Media Club exists at University and College level. The Club engages students who exhibit interest and talent in photography, filming and media communication. Students are given the opportunity to develop their skills through training programs such as video shooting, editing, short film projects, photography courses, exhibitions, field trips and competitions.

10)-  Professional Societies, Groups or Clubs

These are the societies or groups for a specific profession. The mission of these professional societies is primarily educational and informational. At present DU has Business Society, Engineers Society and Law Club.

11)-  Theatre Group

This group exists at university level and focuses mainly on interaction among students and developing their ability to express themselves through drams, plays and other theatrical activities. Members of this group actively participate in various cultural events at the University and Colleges.

12)-  Entrepreneurship Club

Entrepreneurship club exists in CCBA and functions under the guidance and supervision of Center for Entrepreneurship. The club aims to promote the culture of entrepreneurship among DU students and guide them in establishing their own business.

13)-  Painting Club

This club exists at University level and also in CAAS. These clubs functions to hunt and promote the painting talents of the students in painting, encourage them, provide them an opportunity and support and display their talents through exhibitions.

14)-  Sports Club

This club exists at University level and functions under the guidance and supervision of “Sports Activity Officer”. It aims at promoting sports activities at University and College level and also organizing inter college sports competitions.

15)-  Sports Teams

DU and its Colleges have sports teams for various indoor and outdoor sports. Most prominent among them are Football and Volleyball teams. These teams participate in Internal and external sports competitions. DU has a full time “Sports Activity Officer” to guide and coach these sports teams; organise internal sports events and arrange for participation in external sports events.

16)-  Our welfare to our Folks Club

This group involves DU staff and students seeking to help the people around them, working within the community to the greater good from a social and educational perspective. This helps them to activate their links to the community and to address problems that might affect their lives in a negative way.

17)-  Friend’s health Club

This club, led by DU students, addresses problems of student health, guiding students with information about healthy food, awareness of the dangers of smoking, drugs, and improving psychological awareness among students.

18)-  Translation Group

The Translation & Interpreting group provides students with opportunities to organize different extra-curricular activities related to English-Arabic translation. Students prepare competitions and different types of activities and events under the supervision of the group’s supervisor. The group aims to involve the local community in its events.

19)-  Reading Group

The purpose of the reading group is to get students together and discuss short stories and other inspiring reading texts. The reading texts are selected by the supervisor; however, the discussions are moderated by the students. The group read on a regular basis and discuss a number of Arabic and English writers, such as Naguib Mahfouz, Alice Munro, Ray Bradbury, to name just a few and practice discussion skills.

20)-  English Language Group

The English language group organizes various types of activities to inspire the students’ interest in English language in order to enhance their language skills and creativity. The students are guided and mentored by the teachers and senior students and they participate in drama performances, poetry recitations and debates. A group of senior students are selected by the extracurricular activities committee of English Language and Literature Department to lead these activities and engage students from all over the university.

21)-  Arabic Language Group

أنشأ قسم اللغة العربية وآدابها مجموعة أطلق عليها اسم “مجموعة المتنبي” . وتهدف هذه المجموعة إلى تفعيل النشاط الأدبي في الوسط الطلابي في قسم اللغة العربية، وذلك من خلال رعاية المواهب الأدبية والجهود البحثية في القسم.

22)-  Computer Science Group

The Computer Science Group aims to engage students who exhibit interest and talent in different aspects of Computer Science Discipline such as programming, web designing, mobile programming, Data Analysis, and hardware maintenance.  The Computer Science students are given the opportunity to develop their skills through short training programs, specialized projects (in government agencies), field visits to different companies and factories, and take part in local and international competitions.

23)-  Mathematics and Sciences Group

Mathematics and Sciences group manages competitions which provide students opportunities for holistic growth by conducting quick mathematics and science-related activities. Students are given chance to inculcate their presentation skills, develop mathematical and scientific knowledge, enable hands-on-training in laboratories by carrying out innovative projects, advanced computer skills and exploring scientific and engineering aptitude via competitions.

24)-  Education Group

تهدف مجموعة النشاط الطلابي بقسم التربية إلى تشجيع الطلاب على  تنظيم الأنشطة اللامنهجية، كالمسابقات الثقافية واللقاءات الحوارية والبرامج التدريبية  الهادفة  إلى بناء وصقل شخصياتهم،وتزيدهم بمختلف المهارات الحياتية الرافدة للمهارات المعرفية التي يتلقونها خلال دراستهم الجامعية ، وبما يتوافق مع ميولهم واهتماماتهم وقدراتهم الابداعية والابتكارية.

25)-  Social Work Group

تهدف مجموعة العمل الاجتماعى إلى أن تكون ملتقى مناسب لطلاب العمل الاجتماعى خاصة وطلاب الجامعة وأفراد المجتمع عامة ، وذات تأثير إيجابى عليهم فى مختلف جوانب الحياة الجامعية ، كما تسهم مجموعة العمل الاجتماعى بقسم العلوم الاجتماعية فى توفير مناخ اجتماعى ثقافى تطوعي،وذلك من خلال الأنشطة والفعاليات والبرامج والأعمال التى تقدمها المجموعة.