قسم ضمان الجودة

تأسس قسم ضمان الجودة في جامعة ظفار في فبراير 2012 ويتبع مباشرة لنائب رئيس الجامعة. للقسم هيكل إداري من ثلاثة مستويات، على النحو التالي:

The top tier consists of the QAD which includes Dr. Sanjay Ramteke, Quality Assurance Consultant and Amina Al Mashikhi, Director of Quality Assurance Department.

The second tier is at University level, which consists of two standing committees, namely QA Coordinators’ Committee (Academic), having representatives from all four colleges and the Centre for Preparatory Studies (CPS) and QA Coordinators’ Committee (Non-Academic), having representatives from all non-academic departments. In addition, a number of ad-hoc committees are constituted from time to time to support the QAD in its work.

The third tier is at the College and CPS level in the form of a College (CPS) QA committee. The College QA Committee is chaired by the College Dean and the members are the QA coordinator and Department Chairs in the College. Likewise, the CPS QA committee is chaired by the CPS Director and the members are the QA coordinator and the program/level coordinators in CPS.

QA Chart