Student Advisory Council – SAC

Students elect annually their representatives to the University Student Advisory Council (SAC) which represents students on University escort beylikdüzü functions and transmits the student body’s concerns to the Administration of the University. The SAC shall consist of the Director of Student Affairs and 17 students from different Colleges. These students shall be selected on the basis of direct vote. The elected students shall choose a Chair for the committee, a Deputy Chair and a Secretary General from amongst themselves for a period of one academic year. Those who are interested in partaking of the University Student Advisory Council beylikdüzü escort bayan should fulfil the following conditions:

  • Have completed one full semester at least with 12 credits of the prescribed course load and with an accumulative GPA of no less than 2/4 points or equivalent for Diploma and Bachelor students, and 3/4 points or equivalent for Master students and should not have exceeded the minimum semesters in the academic course he registered in.
  • Should have at least the minimum course load during his membership, except for the end-of-graduation or Summer semester.
  • Should not have incurred a disciplinary sanction against him or criminal prosecuted, except if he is acquitted prior to the nomination date.
  • Should be prescribed by the Student Advisory Council Statute issued by MoHE.

البطاقة الجامعية

Student Affairs Department issues an ID card for each new DU student in accordance with the following procedure:

  • The student brings 4 passport photos to the Registration Department and gets a temporary ID card.
  • The Registration Department sends photos to the Student Affairs Department- Student Services Section.
  • Three weeks later the student gets her/his new ID card.


The medical department serves the health needs of students who may drop in during certain hours of the week to see a doctor. The University has contracted the services of a physician who comes to the department for two hours daily. Urgent and emergency cases are transferred to the nearby Saadah Medical Complex or to hospitals in the city.

المطاعم والمقاهي

DU has two newly built cafeterias, each with two large halls serving the male and female students separately. There is also a coffee shop which is located in the courtyard of the Uni¬versity; it serves snacks, light sandwiches and beverages.

Student Housing

The University has 3 buildings in the campus for female students who come from distant places to study at DU. It provides them with subsidized furnished accommodation and local transportation. The University also provides security service and supervision of students where there are 14 of female supervisors and female security guards work 24 hours. Male students who come from distant places are also assisted in finding appropriate accommodation.


During the period of registration and placement exams, the Student Affairs Department arranges orientation sessions for new students. The sessions provide important academic and related information including location of various facilities and services. More than 10 students are usually on the welcoming committee, along with two staff members.

برنامج توظيف الطلبة

DU offers students the opportunity to gain work experience and earn some income as well. Students who wish to join the student employment program may apply through the Student Affairs Department. According to this program, a student can work for a maximum of 10 hours per week and earn money on an hourly basis.