Dhofar University Successfully Hosts International Exchange Students from Czech University of Life Sciences
Dhofar University is proud to announce the successful conclusion of an international exchange program with the Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague. This collaborative educational exchange took place from January 2nd to January 10th, 2024. Students from the Czech University of Life Sciences had the opportunity to attend specialized seminars led by faculty members of […]
Celebrating Success: CAAS Honors Participants of the Virtual Exchange Program with Tulane University
On December 2nd 2023, the Department of Architectural Engineering at the College of Engineering organized a workshop with lecturer Lamiaa Mostafa as the presenter, titled “How to Improve Modelling Through 3DS Max.” The workshop aimed to equip students with innovative 3D modelling skills, preparing them for today’s technology-driven job market. Participants in the workshop delved […]
Dhofar University Social Work Group Celebrates International Volunteer Day and Omani Volunteer Day
“Visualizing Space: A Beginner’s Workshop on 3D Design and Alternatives”
On December 3rd, 2023, the Department of Architectural Engineering at Dhofar University’s College of Engineering organized a workshop entitled “Visualizing Space: A Beginner’s Workshop on 3D Design and Alternatives,” which was presented by lecturer Lamia Mostafa from the Department of Architectural Engineering. The purpose of the workshop was to assist students in acquiring familiarity with […]
College of Engineering organized a seminar on Project-Based Learning for ABET accreditation
Training program (social intelligence and skills for winning friends)
The Student Counseling Center organized a training program for students at Dhofar University on social intelligence and skills for making friends, presented by Dr. Zainab Badawi, a lecturer and trainer certified by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MOHERI), and a consultant for mental health and behavioral therapies. A large number of university […]
“AI in Architecture and Interior Design – RENDER 3D “
On December 16, 2023, Lamia Mostafa, a lecturer from the Department of Architectural Engineering, conducted a workshop titled “AI in Architectural and Interior Design—RENDER 3D.” The workshop discussed the uses of artificial intelligence in architectural and interior design, its methods for improving design alternatives, and its impact on the field. As design enters a new […]