World Museum Day
The Center for Community Service and Continuing Education in partnership with the Department of Social Work at the College of Arts and Applied Sciences organized on Thursday 18 May 2023 a student field visit to the Luban Land Museum. The visit was in observance of the International Day of Museums and in conjunction with the [...]
Meeting of the Dean of the College of Law with new students and honoring distinguished students
In line with the vision and mission of the College of Law at Dhofar University in refining knowledge and excellence for its students at the educational level, scientific activities and community events, and support for its faculty members, and based on communication and partnership between the college administration and its students, a meeting was held [...]
Dhofar University and the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation signed a contract to support scientific incubators for the year 2023
Dhofar University and the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation signed a contract to support scientific incubators for the year 2023. This project aims to provide financial and technical support to scientific incubators to embrace innovative projects and research outputs and turn them into startup companies.
College of Engineering Laboratories & Frankincense Biodiversity Lab Obtain ISO 9001:2015 Accreditation
We are delighted to announce that the Engineering laboratories of the College of Engineering, along with the Frankincense and Biodiversity laboratories at the Engineering Workshop, have successfully achieved ISO 9001:2015 accreditation. ISO 9001:2015 is a widely acknowledged global standard for quality management systems, placing significant emphasis on process efficiency and the delivery of appropriate services [...]
بحث التعاون بين الجامعة الهاشمية ووفد أكاديمي عُماني
الزرقاء 22 أيار (بترا)- بحث رئيس الجامعة الهاشمية الدكتور فواز الزبون، مع وفد عُماني، ضم رئيس جامعة ظفار العمانية الدكتور عامر الرواس، وعميدة كلية الطب والعلوم الصحية في جامعة السلطان قابوس الدكتورة منى السعدون، سبل التعاون الأكاديمي والعلمي بين الجانبين. وجرى خلال اللقاء مع الوفد العماني الزائر الذي ضم أيضًا الدكتور مصباح تنيره، والدكتورة سليمة [...]
Establishment of the Faculty of Medicine at Dhofar University
Establishment of the Faculty of Medicine at Dhofar University: a joint delegation from Dhofar University and Sultan Qaboos University visits Jordan's leading universities Exploring the experience of the Hashemite University and the Jordanian University of Science and Technology in the medical field and other health sciences, a delegation consisting of the Vice Chancellor of Dhofar [...]
How to Register Online
Click on the following links to download How to Register Online. How to Register Online - English كيفية التسجيل عبر الانترنت
Postgraduate Studies Catalogue 2020-21
Click on the following link to download Postgraduate Studies Catalogue for the year 2020-21 Postgraduate Studies Catalogue 2020-21