DU Orientation Day
Dhofar University has conducted an orientation day for the new students’ intake for the academic year 2023-24 in the conference hall, covering issues of various aspects and providing guidance to new registering students. Dr. Tarik Al Husari, Dean of DARSA, welcomed the students providing statistics which showed a remarkable increase in the intake for this academic year, compared to previous years. This indicates the community’s trust in the university’s academic programs and its mission in the community as the growth in the number of registering students among the youth is an indicator of the society’s rising awareness about the importance of quality education for Oman’s economic prosperity.
Afterwards, Dr. Al Husari stated that the university has four colleges that provide 57 academic programs at the BA and postgraduate levels in various fields: College of Arts and Applied Sciences, College of Commerce and Business Administration, College of Engineering and College of Law. He further confirmed that the program of “Diploma in Computer Sciences for Students with Hearing Disability” that was launched in 2022/23 has received positive response from the community and Civil Society Organizations and reflected the university’s support of disabled individuals.
Dr. Moosa Bin Ahmad Bait Ali Sulaiman, Director of the Foundation Program, welcomed the students and briefed on the foundation program and its role in preparing the students to their respective academic majors.
On the other hand, Mr. Has san Said Kushoob, Director of Student Affairs, elaborated on the various services and activities provided by the department including sports, cultural and social programs that respond to the students’ interests and needs.
Mr. Mu’ammar Muhammad BaHajjaj, Director of Scholarship Unit at the Registration Department, explained about MOHERI’s website procedures needed to be followed by students with scholarship and when changing their major or extending their scholarship.
Professor Nasir Sayyed Abd Al Rasheed, Director of Student Counseling Centre, explained the role of the center in helping the students by providing various counselling services to help them cope with the academic, education, psychological as well as social challenges while pursuing their academic career.
On his part, the President of the Student Advisory Council, Mr. Ammar Fadhil, welcomed the new students and presented a success story by alumnus Manar Al Safi Al Huraibi and a video on students’ activities at Dhofar University.
The induction day concluded the orientation week (03/09-11/09 which was organized by Student Affairs Department at Dhofar University.