Dhofar University International Cooperation Office (ICO) is established under the decision made by Board of Directors and the VC Decision No (13/2021-2022) effective 1 February 2022, as part of DU Strategic Plan 2021-2031.
As part of DU effort to enhance international profile, ICO promotes the internationalization of DU by strengthening activities of international cooperation.
ICO responsibilities:
- ICO facilitates the development of international partnership between DU and institutions around the world.
- ICO increases student mobility
ICO Vision:
ICO aspires to support DU efforts to be among the leading institutions of higher education of international repute in the Arab region.
ICO Mission:
To enhance DU international profile and global visibility.
Become a partner
Educational institutions planning to establish international student exchange arrangements with Dhofar University may do so by contacting International Cooperation Office ico@du.edu.om
International Partner Universities
- The Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
- Tulane University, USA
- Hasselt University The Transportation Research Institute (IMOB)
- Brandernburg University of Technology (BTU)
- Czech University of Life Sciences
- University of Genoa, Italy
- American University of UAE
- UC Leuven-Limburg, Belgium
- Thomas Moore, Belgium
- Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Myongji University
Please note that this list of universities represents partnerships held at the university-wide level. Individual colleges, centers, and departments at Dhofar University may also have their own agreements with universities worldwide.

Dhofar University is proud to be the first recipient in Oman for the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet grant.
Dhofar University Organization ID: E10324524
PIC: 883246305
Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) is a program that promotes student and staff exchange between higher education institutions across different countries. It is a part of the broader Erasmus+ program initiated by the European Union (EU) to enhance international cooperation in the field of education, training, youth, and sports.
The Erasmus+ ICM specifically focuses on facilitating mobility opportunities for students and staff members from higher education institutions in the participating countries.
Dhofar University welcomes invitations for Erasmus+ with EU universities and organizations. For further info, contact ico@du.edu.om
Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)
The UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), operating under the guidance of the UN Secretary-General, brings together universities, think tanks, and national laboratories worldwide to drive action toward achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Dhofar University is honored to be the first university in Oman to join the SDSN network. For more details about SDSN and its members, please visit: https://www.unsdsn.org/our-networks/
International Student
If you’re an international student interested in studying with us and want to discover more about living and learning at Dhofar University, click here to find out more.
Check the complete list of our Undergraduate Programs
Exchange student (inbound)
Students from partner universities to DU
Through a reciprocal agreement between Dhofar University and partner universities abroad, students are able to pursue one semester in the host institution.
Students from any of our partner universities are eligible to study at Dhofar University through an exchange program.
The application and selection process for the exchange program is run entirely by students’ home universities. International exchange students should apply through their institution’s International Office.
Exchange student (outbound)
DU students to partner universities
Students from DU who meets the criteria are eligible to study at our partner universities for one semester.
ICO will announce any student exchange opportunities.

IAESTE Oman was established in 2001 with a vision of connecting companies, universities and students to foster cross-border collaboration in traineeship, research and development. IAESTE Oman facilitates the increased mobility of students from the technical backgrounds.
The IAESTE Call for Applicants typically opens between February and March each year. Keep an eye on your Dhofar University email for the official announcement. Please note that information on available fields of study and host countries for the internships will only be provided once the offers are received and announced in February.
Location and Staff
ICO is located in the Library Building on the first floor (left wing).
Staff name | Position | Tel | |
Hesham Abdelmageed | Director | hesham@du.edu.om | +968 23237190 |
Mr. Hitham Al Hadhri | Deputy Director | hsalhadhri@du.edu.om
+968 23237191 |
University of Malaya
Chargé d’Affaires, Chinese Embassy in Oman
TEDx Dhofar University
For more photos of TEDx Dhofar University, please visit: https://flic.kr/ps/45aTDm