Policy Management System
DU established and implemented a formal “Policy Management System” (PMS) in November 2010. The PMS is concerned with identification of areas for which policies are required, the formulation of policies, laying down the relevant procedures and guidelines, proper implementation of the policy and its periodic review.
Over a period of time, DU has developed and implemented a number of policies, covering various aspects of its academic and administrative operations and also as per the requirements of MOHERI and/or OAAAQA. As of now, DU has a comprehensive set of 46 policies, which are divided into four major categories:
- Academic Policies
- Administrative Policies
- Research and Consultancy Policies
- HR Policies
List of DU Policies
- DU-AC-001 Schedule Preparation & Modification Policy
- DU-AC-002 Academic Staff Teaching Load Policy
- DU-AC-003 Academic Advising Policy
- DU-AC-004 Assessment Policy
- DU-AC-005 Moderation Policy Document
- DU-AC-006 Examination Policy
- DU-AC-007 Academic Integrity Policy
- DU-AC-008 Academic Programs Development and Review Policy
- DU-AC-009 Learning Support Center Policy
- DU-AC-010 Student at Academic Risk Policy
- DU-AC-011 Students with Disabilities Policy
- DU-AC-012 Student Exchange Policy
- DU-AC-013-Access-to-Lifelong-Learning-and-Educational-Resources-Policy
- DU-AC-014 Academic Freedom and Responsibilities Policy
- DU-AD-001 Policy Management System
- DU-AD-002 Risk Management Policy
- DU-AD-003 Entity and Activity Review Policy
- DU-AD-004 Student Code of Conduct
- DU-AD-005 Student Grievance Policy
- DU-AD-006 Student feedback Policy
- DU-AD-007 Communication Policy
- DU-AD-008 Student Club Policy
- DU-AD-009 Student Employment Policy
- DU-AD-010 Health and Safety Policy
- DU-AD-011 Data Protection Policy
- DU-AD-012 Community Services Policy
- DU-AD-013 Energy and Water Conservation Policy
- DU-AD-014 Transportation Policy
- DU-AD-015 Non Discrimination, Harassment and Modern Slavery Policy
- DU-AD-016 Sustainable Development Goals Policy
- DU-HR-001/A Academic and Research Staff Recruitment Policy
- DU-HR-001/B Non Academic Staff Recruitment & Promotion Policy
- DU-HR-002 Omanisation Policy
- DU-HR-003 Staff Induction Policy
- DU-HR-004 Professional Development Policy
- DU-HR-005 Incentives and Rewards Policy
- DU-HR-006 Academic Promotion Policy
- DU-HR-007 Severance Policy
- DU-HR-008 Succession Planning policy
- DU-HR-009 Faculty Appraisal Policy
- DU-HR-010 Staff Grievance Policy