Tuition Fees
- 150 RO for each credit hour for Masters of Science in Information Technology and Master in Business Administration Program.
- 110 RO for each credit hour for Master of Education in Curriculum & Instruction: Teaching English Language.
- 125 RO for each credit hour for Master of Education in Counseling, Master of Education: General Curriculum & Instruction, Master of Education in Educational Administration, Master of Arts in Management, Master of Science in Accounting, Master of Arts in Social work, Master of Private Law, Master of Public Law, Master of Arts in Arabic Language Studies and Master of Arts in Literature and Criticism (Arabic).
- 90 RO for each credit hour for Teaching Diploma.
- 250 RO for each bridging course for all Master programs.
Tuition Fees Refund
A student may withdraw from a semester after registration, but the refund rate of tuition fees depends on the timing of the withdrawal:
- Full tuition fees will be refunded only to students who withdraw from the semester before the end of the first week of classes.
- 50% of tuition fees will be refunded to students who withdraw before the end of the second week of classes.
- NO REFUND will be made to students who withdraw from the semester after the beginning of the third week of classes.