Skills for Dealing with Isolation and Psychological Loneliness
As part of its individual and group counseling programs, the Student Counseling Center organized a counseling program for university students entitled Skills for Dealing with Isolation and Psychological Loneliness on Tuesday and Thursday, October 31 and November 2, 2023, for 4 hours, and the program was presented by Mrs. Amira Abdel Qader Al-Helou, Counseling Specialist at the Student Counseling Center. The program was attended by a number of students from different majors and colleges.
The program addressed the concept of isolation and psychological loneliness, its definition, its types, symptoms and causes, and the interprtation of isolation and loneliness from a psychological, physical and behavioral perspective. It indicated that there is a big difference between isolation and psychological loneliness. Skills and strategies for overcoming isolation and psychological loneliness were discussed. The students were trained on some strategies to get rid of the feeling of loneliness.
At the end of the counseling program, the Russell Scale, a test used to measure feelings of psychological loneliness, was applied to the students present in the session. Attendance certificates were distributed to the participating students.