“Skills for dealing with work stress,” a workshop organized by the Student Counseling Center
On Thursday, 3/28/2024, the Student Counseling Center (SCC) organized a virtual workshop via the Google Meeting application for the academic and non-academic staff in the university, which was presented by Dr. Mayada Fares Gharizi, Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at Mazoon University College and director of ITA center of psychological and behavioural consultations. Dr. Mayada began the workshop by welcoming the attendees, then began explaining the concept of work stress, positive stress, negative stress, and the impact of each of them on the individual. She discussed the results of it with the audience, and then she discussed the causes that lead to work stress, such as the accumulation of tasks, not arranging priorities, not managing time properly, and the work environment … Etc., and later referred to the strategies and skills necessary to manage work stress and adapt to it so that the individual achieves psychological balance. At the end of the workshop, Dr. Mayada responded to the interventions and inquiries directed to her by the attendees, who praised the useful information presented in the lecture.