The marital counseling convoy to prepare those about to get married
The Student Counseling Center at Dhofar University, in cooperation with the General Directorate of Social Development – Family Guidance and Counseling directorate, organized an awareness lecture entitled “Preparing those about to get married,” presented by Ms. Laila Bint Saeed Al-Mashaniya, a family guidance and counseling specialist in the Family Guidance and Counseling Department and a certified trainer from the Ministry of Social Development, within As part of the Preparation Initiative – Marriage Guidance Caravan to prepare those about to get married. Mrs. Laila spoke about healthy marriage and described it as a state of agreement and harmony between spouses in terms of health, psychological, physical, social and legal aspects, with the aim of forming a healthy family and giving birth to healthy children. She stated that a successful marriage is based on three basic components: dividing roles and responsibilities in a fair and just manner between the spouses, joint planning between the spouses for all matters related to their lives in financial, reproductive, social and family terms, and consultation in any decision related to the family. She added that there are needs that must be met in marital life, such as respect, affection, acceptance, attention, security, consolation, encouragement, acceptance, appreciation and support. She also talked about the differences between men and women in thinking and expressing feelings, as well as in other life matters, and both parties must take these differences into account. Professor Laila concluded her lecture on marital satisfaction and its importance in marital happiness, and mentioned many tips and examples of successful marriages and their success factors. The lecture was attended by a number of male and female students, and there were discussions and interventions from the audience, which she concluded with questions and competitions for the audience. There were valuable prizes for the winners presented by the General Directorate of Social Development in Dhofar Governorate.