The Student Counseling Center holds a training program for students on the skills of investing in opportunities and facing challenges.
The Student Counseling Center organized a training program entitled “Skills for Investing in Opportunities and Facing Challenges,” presented by Mrs. Amira Abdel Qader Al-Helou, Guidance Specialist at the Center. The training program focused on the importance of opportunities in students’ lives, and how to invest in them. Mrs. Amira explained, that investing in oneself is essential for achieving personal and professional success, and that a successful person is one who takes advantage of the opportunities presented to him, even in crises, to pull himself from falling to success and from poverty to the most beautiful aspects of life. Luck does not come by chance, but rather comes from the optimal exploitation of situations and coincidences. Life is all situations, some positive and some negative, and we are the ones who can shape our life and future with just a choice. She stated that investing in oneself requires continuous effort and commitment. Such as clearly setting goals, developing practical plans, optimism, patience, and accepting changes. Successful people are those who create opportunities and create themselves and always look for the smallest things and make something great out of them. The training program also focused on the factors that help in exploiting opportunities for self-development, improving abilities and skills, the ability to deal with challenges, and improving mental and physical health. It also provided advice to students on how to exploit opportunities and confront challenges. Including fear of experiences, staying in the comfort zone, and lack of self-confidence. The training program included participation by students about opportunities in their lives.