Page 16 - FP Chronicle 14th Issue, January 2020
P. 16

Art Exhibition at DU
                        ART EXHIBITION

        One day, on my way to the university library                   wonderful.
        with my friends, I saw a nearby crowd in the                   One other painting I liked was for what looked

        administration  building. Out of curiosity,                    to me like a famous person who I didn’t know.
        my  friends  and  I  decided  to  finish  the                  It  could  be  of a  famous  artist.  However, he
        photocopying business we had at the library                    looked like the horse above, sad and lonely,

        and go to see what that crowd  was all about.                  but deep in thought.  He appeared to be looking
        When we went there, we were amazed to see                      down, which gave him a sad appearance. I

        an art exhibition going on. We were surprised                  believe It was painted with oil paint because
        to see amazing paintings. They were painted                    of its smooth appearance. For me, it was like a
        by DU students.  They are very talented                        photograph.

        students. I have never known such students                     What struck me was that Dhofar University
        existed at DU.                                                 students  are  very  creative.  They  painted  so

         Some of the paintings caught my attention                     well.  They  have  definitely  worked  hard  and
        more than others.  The horse painting was                      as a result  they are great  artists  today. I’m
        superb.  To me,  the horse looked  sad and                     thankful to DU for organizing such events so

        lonely. The background of the painting was                     students can share their talents. Supporting
        blue  with beautiful  shades of white  and                     such students can make them progress, too. I

        black. I felt the loneliness and the emptiness                 believe that we should use the opportunities
        the student who painted it wanted to show.                     that  DU is giving  us to  use our talents to
        Another work that attracted my attention was                   improve and have a bright career in the future.

        the sparrow painting. It was very beautiful
        and lively.                                                    Article and photos by

        I also admired the  paintings  of the  actress                 Fatima Abdi Khan Al Balushi/  FP
        Marilyn Monroe. They were made from two
        colors only but the details and the spirit of

        the actress shown through the paintings. Her
        eyes, her cheeks and her famous mole were

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