Page 21 - FP CHRONICLE ISSUE 16 March 2021
P. 21

including  flamingo,  Giraffe,  Great  white
      pelican,  Hippopotamus and the  African

      Buffalo.  Moreover,  you  can  see  the  great
      migration of Wildebeest and Zebra traveling
      from Tanzania to Kenya. They stay there from

      July to September. In addition, there is Lake
      Natron near the park. After that, you can also

      visit the Olduvai Gorge Museum. There are
      bones of human evolution from more than 1
      million years ago. Last, you can even visit the

      banana, maize, beans and wheat farmlands in                        can go to the night club if you like.  Actually,
      different districts.                                               if you see Arusha region at night, you will feel
                                                                         like it is noon.

       Arusha region at night is lighter than other
      regions. There are lots of things to do at night.                  In the end, Arusha region is a famous region

      First, you can go to the shops to buy some                         in Tanzania. It has a lot of wonderful natural
      clothes, textiles and shoes. After that, you can                   place to enjoy, like national parks, mountains

      also camp with your family or friends because                      and lakes. In my opinion, the best time to visit
      the weather is wet and cool, but sometimes                         Arusha is the summer season because it has
      it can be a little rainy. Then, there are many                     a nice  wet and pretty  warm weather. In the

      traditional  and modern restaurants. You can                       future, I think that Arusha region is going to be
      enjoy eating Chips Mayai (French fries mixed                       the most popular place in the world because of

      with eggs), barbecue and drinking Mtori (green                     its unusual animals.
      banana soup mixed with meat). Finally, you

                                                     FP Chronicle  Issue 16, Mar 2021
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