Page 11 - FP Chronicle - Issue 21
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                                 LEVEL 1 IN DHOFAR UNIVERSITY

                                                                                             November 16th, 2023

       The  Foundation  Level  1  Project-based  learning      WINNERS AND AWARDS

       competition event was a remarkable showcase of          The  competition  culminated  in  an  awards
       innovation  and  creativity,  bringing  together        ceremony  where  outstanding  projects  were
       students  from  Level  1  to  present  their  projects  recognized  and  celebrated.  Categories  such  as
       and ideas. The event aimed to provide a platform        "Most Impactful Project," and "Best Presentation"
       for  students  to  demonstrate  their  skills,  share   were among the awards presented to deserving
       their unique projects and foster a spirit of learning   participants.
       and collaboration.

       The event took place on November 16th, 2023 at
       CAAS  Multipurpose  Room.  The  venue  was
       chosen to accommodate participants, judges, and
       attendees  comfortably,  providing  an  ideal

       environment  for  networking  and  knowledge
       The  event,  organized  by  Ms.  Anne  Gilhooly  and
       Ms. Ruba Al Rawas, showed their commitment to
       promoting  education  and  fostering  a  culture  of    The  event  not  only  provided  a  platform  for
       innovation for their students.                          students  to  present  their  projects  but  also

                                                               fostered a sense of community and collaboration.
       THE PARTICIPANTS                                        As  a  testament  to  the  success  of  the  event,

       Participants,  primarily  from  Foundation  Level  1,   participants  left  with  newfound  inspiration,
       were  invited  to  submit  their  projects  in  diverse  connections,  and  a  greater  appreciation  for  the
       themes  brought  from  Cambridge  Unlock  2             possibilities  within  their  respective  fields.  The
       curricula  that  they  studied  in  Level  1.  The      Foundation Level 1 Project-based Competition is
       participants  showcased  their  projects  in  various   poised  to  become  an  annual  highlight,  inspiring
       formats  of  posters,  including  presentations,        future generations of innovators and creators for
       demonstrations, and interactive displays.               our students.
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