Page 11 - FP CHRONICLE Issue 11
P. 11


          A REPORT BY SHAMMA NASSIR AL JUTALI & MITHAQ  SABEIT AL MAMARI                                                                                                                        13 FEBRUARY 2018

              went to Dar Al Hanan Association. Students were encouraged to care for children who have

              cancer, by way of donations to Dar Al Hanan. Many students helped in this event. They made

              dishes or bought food.

              To test general knowledge, the teachers arranged a competition called Kahoot, which is shared

              via the Internet and relies on speed and cognitive abilities. You have to download the Kahoot

              app to participate, enter your username and a pin number to start the game. Kahoot competitions

              were full of fun.

              The FP Open Day was great and fun and a way to learn many new things that one didn’t know

              before. At the end of the day, Dar Al-Hanan was thanked for their efforts, and the outstanding

              students were honored, as well as the students who won the competitions mentioned above. The

              Director Mr. Faisal Al-Hammadi, and Ms. Megan, the Deputy Director, praised students and

              thanked the teachers who arranged these events.

                                                     FP Chronicle  Issue 11, May 2018
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