Page 7 - March 2023
P. 7




                                                        The FP organised an academic research
                                                        workshop conducted by Dr. Khadija Al
                                                        Balushi, Senior Consultant, MoHERI, on
                                                        2 February 2023. The workshop focused

                                                        on the process and practical ways of
                                                        doing action research.
                                                        Dr. Khadija provided hands-on learning
                                                        and training on how to go about the

                                                        process of action research. She stressed
                                                        that action research belongs to
                                                        teachers, not researchers. She also
             gave insight into how to convert the action research into a research
             paper, with examples of journals that publish action research.

             Overall, Dr. Khadija successfully assured the audience that action
             research was achievable. The workshop was objective-based, activity-
             oriented, inspiring and informative.


                Empowerment – Empowers                            Ownership – Action research
                practitioners to investigate the                  belongs to teachers, not researchers.
                challenges they face, explore and try             It is controlled by teachers and is
                out solutions to improve their practice.          meaningful to teachers.
                Focus – Has a clear focus on the                  Structured reflection – Enables
                improvement of practice-lead to                   teachers to do structured reflection

                change in practice.                               on their professional action.

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