Page 8 - FP NEWSLETTER March 2024
P. 8



           01                                                           The rationale

                                                             In Foundation Program, we have students from
                                                               diverse educational backgrounds and their
                                                            language abilities are affected accordingly. While
                                                            most students are ready to start their learning
                                                            journey, others struggle because they need more
                                                             support to improve their English proficiency to
                                                                       catch up with their peers.

                                  The process

                      For this reason, with the approval and guidance of
                         FP Director, Dr. Moosa Ahmed Ali Sulaiman,
                      Dr. Ramadevi and Ozlem Isler crafted a program in
                       Level 1, Section 1 (Term 2) that met the students
                     where they are while ensuring that the program is in
                       alignment with the course’s learning outcomes.


                                                                        The outcome

                                                             We wanted this personalized journey to not only
                                                             improve their confidence, but also sharpen their
                                                            communicative skills. It is also proof for students
                                                                  that with time, a tailored method, and
                                                            commitment to hard work, they can have genuine
                                                                 learning opportunities and become more
                                                                   empowered to embrace education.
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