Page 1 - Issue 1- Entrepreneurship Center Newsletter
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February Issue
Center Newsletter
2024 #1
Welcome to CCBA’s
Entrepreneurship Center!
Entrepreneurship is built upon
exploration, discovery, and
collaboration. Entrepreneurial
endeavors that improve our lives
are inseparable from the quality
business education we deliver at
CCBA. This is true whether the
aim is to start a new company or
nonprofit or to create innovative
ways to further the work and
achievements of an existing Based on VC’s Decision
organization. This is a big part of
the enthusiastic Ms. Lujain El-Maghraby
Entrepreneurship Center work as
part of the overall vision of Named New Director of Center
college to be amongst the leading
for Entrepreneurship.
business schools in Oman.
The college’s goal is to provide an Starting from 1 February 2024 for Three Years.
entrepreneurial hub where
coursework and extracurricular
activities add to our CCBA On 14 January 2024, the HR
students’ abilities to create their Department announced the VC’s
best futures. The decision to appoint Ms. Lujain
entrepreneurship center aims to Maghraby (management lecturer at
CCBA) as the new Director of Center
encompass and model values of
for Entrepreneurship.
leadership, innovation, risk
taking, adaptation, teamwork, Ms. El-Maghraby graduated from the
and moral decision-making. I am German University in Cairo with
pleased by the number of highest honors with a Bachelor of
Science in General Management
substantive conversations I have (double majors in Strategic
already had in this regard with
Management and Human Resources
faculty, alumni, advisory council Management). She holds a master’s
members, and other members of degree in business administration
the Omani community, and I’m from Heriot-Watt University in the “The center vision is to
interested in connecting with UK jointly with the American be a supportive and
many more stakeholders for the University in Cairo with distinction, developing center for
flourishment of this center. whereby she was one of the top 14%
worldwide in this global program. innovation and
Towards more exciting times at Later, she was shortlisted by entrepreneurship in the
“Cambridge-British Petroleum Egypt
the Center for Entrepreneurship! Oman.”
Scholarship” Committee to pursue
MPhil in “Innovation, Strategy and
Organization Studies” from
Cambridge University, Jesus College,
in the UK. She has 9 years of
experience that spans across
academia, corporate and community
service arenas on regional and
international levels.