Page 2 - Issue 1- Entrepreneurship Center Newsletter
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Entrepreneurship Center

                         February 2024                                                                                       Issue #1

                 Under Auspices of Directorate General of Education and Learning in Dhofar

                 Dhofar University Showcases Its Role in the

                 National Innovation Competition for School


                 Amid Presence of Faculty Members from CAAS and CCBA

                 In   line   with   Dhofar    University's
                 commitment  to  fostering  a  culture  of
                 innovation  and  entrepreneurship,  the
                 University's  Centre  for  Entrepreneurship
                 actively  participated  in  the  National
                 Innovation  Competition  for  School                                                               “Our mission is to
                 Students,  held  on  the  5   and  6   of                                                           create, foster and
                 November 2023, under the auspices of the
                 Directorate  General  of  Education  and                                                            sustain potential
                 Learning in Dhofar.
                                                                                                                         among our

                                                                                                                     students and the

                                                                                                                   local community”.

                                                                                                                      With Support of

                                                                                                               MOHERI and SME

                                                                                                          Development Authority

                                                                                                       Center                             for
                 Dhofar University Students                                                            Entrepreneurship

                 Participate in Business                                                               Concludes  Annual

                 Development & Opportunities                                                           Entrepreneurial

                 Symposium.                                                                            Training Week with
                                                                                                       Significant                 Social
                 Under Auspices of His Highness Dhofar Governor

                 Dhofar     University's   Centre    for
                 Entrepreneurship  proudly  supported
                 the participation of its students in the
                 "Business      Development         and
                 Opportunities Symposium" held at the
                 Sultan Qaboos Youth Compound for                    “We provide
                 Culture    and    Entertainment     on                 access to
                 November  12,  2023.  This  key  event,
                 under  the  auspices  of  His  Highness,             workshops,                       The     Center    for   Entrepreneurship
                 the  Governor  of  Dhofar,  provided  a           public lectures                     successfully concluded its Entrepreneurial
                                                                                                       Training  Week,  which  spanned  from
                 platform  for  discussions  on  the                                                   November  12  to  16,  2023.  The  event,
                 burgeoning  business  opportunities  in                    and                        coinciding with the Omani National Day,
                 the region.                                                                           Omani     Youth     Day,    and   Global
                                                                                                       Entrepreneurship    Week,     significantly

                                                                                                       enhanced  our  students'  entrepreneurial
                                                                                                       skills  and  empowered  them  to  actively
                                                                                                       contribute to the Omani society.
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