Page 3 - FP Newsletter Issue 2 2018
P. 3

Together we succeed

                  Foundation  Program Achievements

                  OAAA Quality Audit Visit

                  An international Audit Panel paid FP a three-day visit between 31 October  and 2
                  November 2017. The visit was meant to audit the Foundation Program as a first step
                  towards the program’s accreditation. The Panel held interviews with the VC, FP
                  Director,  Deputy  Director,  Program  Coordinators  and  FP  staff  and  Post-FP  staff,
                  academic and non-academic. The Panel also interviewed FP morning and evening
                  students and FP alumni. Moreover, the Panel visited FP labs and DU library and
                  checked FP website and the online Placement and exit exams. At the end of the visit, the
                  Panel gave a preliminary feedback session in the presence of the DVC, FP director and
                  Quality Audit Heads. The preliminary feedback was highly positive.

                  Benchmarking Best Practices with the University of Nizwa

                  To further activate the signed MOU with the University Nizwa (UN) the Foundation
                  Program Academic Council (FPAC) conducted a videoconference with UN’s Foundation
                  Institute (FI)
                   to discuss best practices. The discussion was chaired by the directors of the two programs
                  and lasted for one and a half hours. It revolved around sharing basic information about
                  the two programs with regard to numbers of students, levels, placement and exit tests,
                  pass mark, materials used, etc. The discussion gave both sides an insight into how both
                  programs are run and turned out to be beneficial for both sides.

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