Page 65 - Annual Research Report 2018-19
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Reactions and           University of Shaja,
                                                                      Feelings of Sadness     15(2) 134-169.
                                                                      and Grief in
                                                                      Associated with the
                                                                      Sudden Loss of Sons
                                                                      Among Mothers Case
                                                                      Study -Counseling –

                                  32.    M. M. M. Al  Dhofar          The Dimensions          2019, Journal of the
                                       Majali        University       Affecting the           Union of Arab
                                                                      Congruity and           Universities for
                                                                      Cohesion of the         Education
                                                                      Jordanian Family        Psychology -
                                                                      System in the Light of  Damascus,17(1) .73-
                                                                      Psychological           106.
                                                                      Theories of Family
                                                                      Counseling A
                                                                      Sociological Study

                                  33.   M. M. M. Al   Dhofar          Common Thinking         2019, Journal of
                                       Majali        University       Styles among            Social Sciences-
                                                                      Talented Students at    Kewait University. 46
                                                                      Muta University and     (1).
                                                                      their relationship with
                                                                      some variables

                                  34.   M. M. M. Al   Dhofar          The effectiveness of    2019,  the
                                       Majali        University       selective counseling    International
                                                                      program in improving  conference of
                                                                      the level of self-      Innovation in Gifted
                                                                      efficacy Dimensions     Education, Arabian
                                                                      by  academically        Gulf Univversity ,
                                                                      outstanding students    Kingdom of Bahrain,
                                                                      in the Sultanate of     March 5-7.

                                  35.   M. M. M. Al   Dhofar             اهتقلاعو ةأرملا ةيجولوكيس  يوسنلا بدلاا " ةودن ، 2019
                                       Majali        University                    ةيبدلاا اهتاباتكب   ةماعلا ةيريدملا اهتماقا يتلا
                                                                                                 " ناونعب " ةفاقثلاو ثارتلل
                                                                                                  ،" ةيبدأ ةدامو ةبيدأ ةأرملا
                                                                                                         .    2019  / 3 /  13

                                  36.   Almashikhi,   Dhofar          Omani EFL Learners’  2018, Journal of
                                       K.            University       Proficiency in Using    Literature,
                                                                      Idiomatic               Languages and
                                                                      Expressions:            Linguistics, An
                                                                      Researched              International Peer-
                                                                      Pedagogical             reviewed Journal,

                                 11  Annual Research Report for AY 2018-19
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