Page 19 - FP Chronicle 13th Issue
P. 19


          may get lost especially with the new
 nstagram  is  one  of  the  most   group hashtag to keep track of what the   updates  that  allow  more  room  for

 Ipopular  social  networks,  where   students are doing and to showcase their   others to look at our activities .

 you  can  publish  your  videos  and   work. Thirdly, it gives users knowledge
 photos.    It  was  first  released  in   of events and exclusive news around the   Enjoy you time on Instagram time but

 October  2010.  Instagram  has   world.  try to be wise when using it.

 advantages  as  well  as

 disadvantages. We should   However,  there  are  many
 be  careful  while  using   disadvantages. Firstly,   Maather Redha Al-Ajmi /FP

 it.  the  addiction  to  using  it
 and  wasting  much  time

 There   are   some   can  result  in  employers
 advantages  of  using    neglecting  their  job

 Instagram. Firstly,   and  students  neglecting

 it  helps  us  easily  to   their  studies.  Secondly,
 communicate w ith   children  and  teenagers

 friends  and  even  with   are  exposed  to  indecent

 people   around   the   images  and  unsuitable
 world.  Secondly,  we   scenes.  Unknowingly they

 can benefit from it in the   get  connected  with  people

 field of education, through   who  are  bad  and  unsuitable

 the  dissemination  of   for their ages. Those people can
 advice  and  awareness.   change their way of thinking and

 Teachers  can  use a   morals as well. Thirdly, privacy

 17  FP Chronicle  Issue 13, May 2019                FP Chronicle  Issue 13, May 2019                              18
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