Page 16 - FP Chronicle 13th Issue
P. 16

A trip to Al-

                                                                                        Baleed Musium

      New but Great!                                                  I am literally a shy, quiet person who loves                           my old days in the primary school. We                          me really happy. I started to believe that

                                                                                                                                                                                                            I am a really good tour guide despite the
                                                                      to hang out alone most of the time, leading
                                                                                                                                             used to visit the museum annually to learn
      A trip to AlBaleed Museums                                      a group of 30  growing up students, giving                             about Dhofar’s history. In the museum,                         fact that I was anxious in the first half at
                                                                                                                                                                                                            the beginning.
      Fatma Ahmed Salim Al-Mashani/CASS                               them information in English was definitely                             I tried my best to encourage the girls to
                                                                      not what I thought my thing. However, as                               read the labels of the exhibits very well,                             I am really grateful for my teachers who

      I have just went through one of                                 a person who cannot say no to anyone, I                                because obviously I cannot mention every                       let me live this great experience, as it helped
                                                                      agreed to do it.
                                                                                                                                             detail in the museum. During the visit.
     the most exciting experiences I                                                                                                         The girls were so amused to learn about                        me build up my confidence as well as my

     have ever had in my life- a tour                                    Al-Baleed or the Land of Frankincense                               the old fabulous exhibits and monuments                        leading skills. I am also thankful for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                            hostel girls who supported me throughout
     at Al Baleed museum.                                             museum  was  the  place  of  our  trip.  The                           from the past civilizations that were in                       all the trips. What I wish of people who
                                                                      best  thing  we  did  before  heading  to  the
                                                                                                                                             Dhofar 7000 years ago.
     I started following one of the aphorism                          site  was  visiting  the  Al-Saadah  Park.                                                                                            have the same conflict as I had or any other
                                                                                                                                                                                                            conflicts; is that they should not give up
     which  says,  “life  is  either  a  daring                       It has been my first time in the park. In                                 At the end of the trip, we prepared a                       under any circumstances and they have to
     adventure, or nothing”. So why not being                         the park,we had lunch and enjoyed some                                 short pop quiz for the girls. The questions                    fight the odds in their personality and try

     a tour guide? At first, when I was offered                       funny  competitions  and  games,  then  we                             were  mostly  about  the  museum.  I  saw                      new things, always.

     to tour guide the students who live in the                       headed to the museum.                                                  how the girls were excited and in flame
     hostel, I was kind of nervous and terrified.                     The black museum gate reminded me of                                   for  answering  the  questions,  that  made

                    15                             FP Chronicle  Issue 13, May 2019                                                                                                        FP Chronicle  Issue 13, May 2019                             16
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