Page 6 - FP Chronicle Issue 15, Oct 2020
P. 6

N                                                                   “This is who I am”, “Accept me the way

                                                                      I am”. Things changed when I started my
                                                                      university studies and joined the foundation
                                                                      program. Back then, in my classroom, my

                                                                      in a way that would sometimes annoy the
           I  am  Fatma Ahmed  Salim Al-Mashani                       classmates were very active and energetic
                                                                      instructors. Being a person who gets easily
           and I have something exciting to say in                    annoyed by any social interaction, I hated
           this essay. Since it is an electronic mag-                 the atmosphere of our class, but eventually,

           azine meant specifically for students, it                  I got used to it over the days. Meanwhile,

           will be awesome to share my own expe-                      I found myself ignored  by all  my  class-
           rience as a foundation student. If you are                 mates because of the weird expressions that

           not interested already, then feel free to                  I made. There is a simple point that I want
           change the page or close your browser,                     to clarify about myself -- it is that I make

           but if you are curious to find out what is                 weird and awkward faces whenever I feel
           at the heart of this essay, then honor me                  nervous or happy. I bet that was the reason

           and carry on reading.                                      my classmates  felt  uncomfortable  around

                                                                      me. Therefore, at the time, I suffered a lot
           Have you ever imagined  what it feels                      because of the cold atmosphere around me.
           like  to  go outside  of your bridge  of                   Then, one day, I was preparing myself for

           thoughts? To experience something that                     my  final  presentation.  I  was  afraid  that  I

           is unusual to your normal habits? Well,                    would fail during the presentation by say-
           I crossed my bridge once, and it wasn’t                    ing stupid things in front of the class. What

           that bad. Since the day I was born, I was                  made it worse was the stares I got from my
           an uncommunicative person, or in other                     classmates,  who believed  I was going to

           words, I was socially an introvert. I re-                  lecture them  about  how to  behave. All  of
           member my mother always told me that                       a sudden, the classroom filled with an ap-

           being taciturn would find me in a lot of                   plause that I received from my classmates
           situations where I would be misunder-                      when I finished my talk. They were cheer-

           stood. However, I convinced myself that                    ing me as if I had saved their lives. I wanted
           I would never change, with mantras like                    to leave the class immediately, but I did not

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