Page 33 - FP Chronicle-Issue 17 Jan 2022
P. 33

Welcome, Ms. Anita, to this interview for the FP   parents would step in and give a hand as much as they

 Chronicle. Could you please let our audience know   could.
 where you’re from, Anita?
                                        Did you ever think of coming to my country one day

 Anita: Hello, I’m Anita. I’m from southern India.  and work at DU?
  What’s your job, Anita?
                                        Anita: To be honest, yes. I love Oman and I always had
 Anita: I’m an IT lecturer at the DU FP.   this in mind.

 Would you please let our audience know what your    How long have you been teaching in DU?
 favorite celebration is?
                                        Anita: Six years, so far.

 Anita: It is the Diwali. It honors good over evil and it is
 known as the Festival of Lights.       I am thinking of becoming a mentor one day. What do
                                        you think?
 On this occasion, what do people exactly do?
                                        Anita: Oh! I believe you will make a great mentor.

 Anita: It’s a holiday in India. ‏We do a lot of home   Think of the best mentor you have met in your life. It
 decorations. ‏We light diyas (small oil lamps) all around   can be anyone who has at some point of time influenced
 the house. We have prayers and fireworks at night. We   and motivated you. ‏Work hard on your subject of study

 give and get gifts. ‏We feast and we enjoy varieties of   and then try to build a good professional network and
 special Diwali sweets.                 always challenge yourself and aspire for the best. I wish
                                        you very good luck.
 What was your future ambition when you were young?
                                        Thank you for the wishes and the advice. And, thank

 Anita: I was attracted towards teaching and computers,   you for giving me this opportunity to talk to you.
 and my dream was to become an IT lecturer.
                                        Anita: It’s a pleasure having you as the guest of the next

 Did you face any difficulties or have serious problems   FP Chronicle issue.
 bringing your dream into reality?

 Anita: Yup! The field of study was demanding and I   Thank you, indeed.
 had to struggle and to work really hard to make this

 achievement. Every time I had a problem, my beloved


                                                     FP Chronicle  Issue 17, Jan 2022 Chronicle  Issue 17, Jan 2022
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