Page 22 - FP Chronicle - Issue 21
P. 22

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               Mental math strategies are techniques that help to work out mathematical

               operations using only our brains, without the help of a calculator. People use

         S     mental math in their lives, for buying, selling, measuring, and so on.

         E     Mental math is important for improving our memory. It is a useful exercise for

         I     the  brain  that  keeps  it  healthy,  quick,  and  sharp.  It  also  helps  students

         G     understand the sense of numbers and the relationship between quantities.

               Moreover,  it  improves  students'  imagination,  visualization,  and  creativity.
               Mental math also helps to build students' self-esteem and confidence.

         A     There are many examples of mental math strategies:


                                                                      In Multiplication:
         T     In Addition:

                                                                            Repeated addition
         S          Breaking down addition and

                    subtraction problems into parts                         Repeated subtraction
                                                                            Using place value concepts
         H          Adding many numbers at the

                    same time                                               Factorizing
         T                                                                  Using the Commutative Property
                    Using place value to partition
         A                                                                  of Multiplication
         M                                                                  Multiplying from left to right

                                                                            Memorizing squares of numbers

         L                                                                  from 1 to 20


         T     Students can improve their mental math abilities through regular practice and

         N     by avoiding using calculators at all times. Also, it will be fun to practice with

               our friends and share our tricks with them. Finally, think of mental math as a
               fun activity!

               Written by: Mrs. Amal Al Shanfari
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