Page 25 - FP Chronicle - Issue 21
P. 25

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               1. Give it food and it will live; give it water and it will die.

               What am I?

               2. I have holes on the top and bottom. I have holes on

               my left and on my right. And I have holes in the middle,

               yet I still hold water. What am I?

               3. The more you take, the more you leave behind.

               What am I?

               4. I’m tall when I’m young and short when I’m old.

               What am I?

               5. What has keys but can’t open locks?

               6. If you have it, you want to share it. If you share it,

               you don’t have it. What is it?

         1. Fire      2. Sponge      3. Footsteps      4. Candle      5. Piano      6. Secret
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