Page 4 - FP Chronicle - Issue 21
P. 4


                            Interview with the FP director

                               Dr. Moosa Bait Ali Suliman

     Raghad: What are the key strategic goals for the foundation program in 2024?

     Dr.  Moosa:  We  need  to  meet  Oman  Vision  2040,
     where at least 5 Omani universities should be ranked

     in international ranking standards. What we are doing
     now  is  striving  for  a  distinguished  place  within  the

     Arab  region.  Our  current  target  is  to  prove  that  the

     foundation program at Dhofar University is one of the
     most renowned foundation programs within the Arab

     region. I believe we are halfway through our journey to
     meet Oman Vision 2040. In order to do that, we need

     to work at the ground level to improve different areas

     in  the  foundation  program.  One  aspect  is  the  daily
     applications  and  procedures  that  we  use  regarding

     student  advising,  revision  sessions,  teaching  and

     learning  levels,  and  achievements  in  the  classroom.
     Additionally, we need to enhance the teachers' role to

     support  and  assist  slow  learners  and  weak  students,
     and  to  improve  our  assessment  procedures.  All  of

     these  aspects  should  be  updated  and  enhanced  to

     meet our expected goals and objectives."

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