Page 5 - FP Chronicle - Issue 21
P. 5


              Raghad: How does the foundation program plan to enhance student engagement

              and support in 2024?

              Dr. Moosa: Students engagement is the most important factor in keeping students
              involved in normal classroom activities. Our target is to help our teachers become
              more reflective and able to estimate and evaluate the teaching acts and learning

              operations in their classes. We used to have meetings with coordinators and their
              level teachers, and they emphasized the importance of student engagement in the

              classroom. Additionally, we are focusing on extracurricular activities, where our FP
              students  participate  and  lead  these  student  activities,  events,  competitions,  and

              different tasks that are beyond the classroom settings. If we manage to give our
              students this kind of responsibility and these opportunities, they will become more

              confident and better able to solve different issues. They will certainly gain some
              communication skills that will help them become more active in their daily activities
              and responsibilities."

              Raghad: What are some of the key events or activities planned for students in the

              foundation program in 2024?
           FP 2024VISION

              Dr. Moosa: The most important thing is that we prepare our students for further

              education at the college level. When they leave our program, they are supposed to
              have  certain  skills  that  will  help  them  to  meet  the  requirements  of  colleges  and

              their  majors.  Apart  from  pedagogical  skills,  it  is  very  important  to  develop  other
              cognitive  skills  such  as  problem-solving,  self-directed  learning,  information
              searching, seeking help, organizing their work, establishing good connections with

              advisors, and possessing soft skills (such as using email, writing petitions, navigating
              the internet, using various educational applications, and visiting different websites).

              These skills will help them enhance their awareness of the importance of gathering
              information,  learning  from  diverse  resources,  and  utilizing  their  lifelong  learning

              skills. The events and sessions prepared for our students target these aspects. If you
              have  the  confidence  to  conduct  an  interview  with  the  director,  engaging  with

              others in a positive manner, this will facilitate further interaction with people and
              enhance  communication  skills.  This  is  the  type  of  skill  we  aim  to  provide  to  our

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