Page 17 - FP CHRONICLE Issue 11
P. 17

but once in a while, I tried to go to the library                 Me:Thank you, uncle, for your time, and I

            to borrow law books and also other books from                     wish you and all the students  like  you the

            different fields, and what about you?                             best in their jobs and studies.

                                                                              Ahmed:  I hope the interview would help

            Me: I will definitely say the library is my favorite              you to look up to the sky and not look at your

            place  because  I  am  proud  to  say  that  I  am  a             feet, because  when you have a dream, you

            bookworm.                                                         can achieve it quickly if you have the will

            What about the things you like most about DU?                     and  determination.  Remember  something,

            Ahmed: I loved everything about DU, especially                    “when there is will, there is a way.”

            the teachers, they are helpful, and they always

            support  the  students  to  do  the  right  things.  I

            couldn't achieve anything without my teachers‘


            Me:  DU  is  a  wonderful  place  as  well  as  the

            other universities and colleges. This is the end

            of our interview do you have any advice for DU


            Ahmed:  Yes,  I  will  advise  them  to  live  the

            moment in the university. Try to be cooperative

            and social with the other students and teachers,

            work hard on your subjects, and don't give up no

            matter what happens, be positive, that’s the way

            to be a successful person.

                                                     FP Chronicle  Issue 11, May 2018
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