Page 4 - Newsletter October 2023
P. 4


                                 The                of the

                               Foundation Program

                    Universities spend a lot of time preparing students for a

                    bright future – and Dhofar University is no exception. With

                    that in mind, we sat down with Dr. Syed Ahsan Jamil,

                    Deputy Vice Chancellor, to discuss how the Foundation

                    Program gives students their first step into the university

                    experience and how it shapes their future at DU.

                    “The Foundation people have to really migrate and

                    transform most of the students to become acquainted to

                    the university environment coming out of the schooling

                    system,” says Dr. Jamil about how the FP impacts students.

                                                                The FP plays a very pivotal role in

                                                             preparing the foundation for most of

                                                            our students. It takes a lot of effort and

                                                            time to be able to ensure that there’s a

                                                           smooth bridge that lets them cross over

                                                                from the school into a university.

                                                                        Math      IT    English

             Foundation Program
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