Page 7 - Newsletter October 2023
P. 7


                         Our Goals

                         Each department looks ahead

             ENGLISH                          MATH                             IT

             Department                       Department                       Department

             The English department           The Math team hopes to           The future goal of the IT unit
             plans on seeking out             include a focus on not just      is to include different
             international accreditation,     theoretical knowledge, but       teaching methods based on
             while working towards            also practical applications      pedagogical innovation.
             enhancing exit exam              of mathematics, ensuring         Teaching IT skills to
             standards to align with          that students are able to        students can be challenging,
             IELTS requirements. In           use applied math in their        therefore applying different
             addition, the goal to            lives. Encouraging research      modes of teaching like
             increase Omanization             and supporting teacher           gamification and project-
             continues to move forward.       training within the              based learning can raise the
             And, as always, continued        department will be a             overall achievement and
             work on cultivating              priority to develop the          form a generation of tech
             teaching and learning.           teaching process.                savvy students.

                                                                                             October 2023
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