Page 13 - Faculty Handbook 2021-22
P. 13

In addition to the various standing committees specified in the DU Bylaws, there are a number of
             ad-hoc  committees,  which  are  established  by  appropriate  authorities  from  time  to  time  to
             accomplish specific tasks.

             3.11.  Internal Regulations and Operating Procedures
             DU Bylaws specify various academic and administrative units, major committees and key positions
             within the University, along with their responsibilities. In addition, the Bylaws lay down internal
             regulations and operating procedures for the smooth functioning of the University.

             To  supplement  its  Bylaws,  over  a  period  of  time,  DU  has  developed  and  implemented  a
             comprehensive  set  of  policies,  procedures  and  guidelines.  All  these  policies  are  included  in
             “Policy Manual” and are well publicized among internal stakeholders. This ensures that there is
             transparency and accountability in the application of these regulations.

             Major policy and strategic decisions are taken by the BoT and UC. The decisions taken at higher
             levels  are  communicated  to  the  stakeholders  concerned  by  appropriate  means  and  within  a
             reasonable timeframe. DU E-mail is the official Channel of communication at the University. All
             faculty members are requested to go through their official DU E-mail daily.

             3.12.  Strategic Planning and Operational Planning

             DU Strategic Plan (SP) is a medium term plan covering a period of ten years (2021-31). It draws
             inspiration from “Oman Vision 2040” and is based on University Vision Mission and Values (VMV),
             SWOT  analysis,  Horizon  2025  Document  and  Accomplishment  Report  of  previous  SP.  The  SP
             specified the goals and objectives to be accomplished by June 2020.

             The University SP is supplemented by an Operational Plan (OP), which specifies the strategies to
             be  used  for  the  accomplishment  of  the  goals  and  objectives  set  in  the  SP  and  the  person(s)
             responsible for that. The OP has well-defined Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and set targets
             for June 2025. For monitoring the progress, QAD collects feedback from all stakeholders of DU in
             the month of May/June every year.

             3.13.  Ministries having Supervisory Authority over DU

             DU is subject to the supervision of MoHERI, which oversees all University operations; notably,
             approval of new faculty, licensing of new programs, review of existing programs, inspection of
             University facilities, monitoring of quality and providing guidelines from time to time. In addition,
             appointment of administrative staff is governed by the Ministry of manpower (MoM) rules and
             regulations. DU is also required to meet the accreditation requirements of Oman Authority for

             Academic Accreditation and Quality Assurance (OAAAQA).

             3.14.  Communication of Decisions Taken at a Higher Level to the Stakeholders Concerned
             At University level, major decisions are taken by the UC, the VC  and/or the DVC. Likewise, at
             College (FP Unit) level, major decisions are taken by the College Dean (FP Director), in consultation
             with the CC (FPC). For administrative and service Departments, the decisions are taken by the

             Director  concerned,  in  consultation  with  the  immediate  supervisory  authority.  The  decisions
             taken at a higher level are communicated to the stakeholders concerned by appropriate means
             (DU Email, DU Website or Official Memos), within a reasonable timeframe.

          Dhofar University Faculty Handbook (2021-22)                                                    Page 9
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