Page 5 - CCBA-Newsletter-Spring-2024
P. 5
and events
CCBA also announced its new strategic partnership with the Sharjah Entrepreneurship
The winning teams announced were:
1. Trade Logic (ERP system) by student Ahmed Al Amry (College of Commerce and
Business Administration): Trade logic ERP system aims towards helping small and
medium sized enterprises manage their business transactions, releasing bills,
managing inventory levels, and managing sales at higher accuracy level and
using AI features.
2. “Ektefaa” platform by the students Ghareeba Musallam Ahmed Al Maashani and
Eman Salim Mahad Al Maashan (College of Commerce and Business
Administration): This is an electronic platform that aims towards raising awareness
about Omani products and its positive impact on Omani economic
performance. The platform is intended towards supporting many society’s