Page 18 - Final 3- Newsletter Spring 2023-2024
P. 18


                                                RESEARCH AND


                                                                                                               S P R I N G   2 0 2 3   -   2 0 2 4

                                                                                                                   133  PUBLICATIONS

                                                                                                                   AND  5  RESEARCH


                                                                                                              Dedicated  to  achieving  exceptional

                                                                                                              standards in its research endeavors, the

                                                                                                              College  of  Engineering  has  generated  a

                                                                                                              cumulative  total  of  39  publications  and

                                                                                                              obtained                  five            research                  grants.

                                                                                                              Furthermore,  ten  academic  members

                                                                                                              from  the  CE  are  ranked  among  the  top

                                                                                                              20  on  the  university's  Google  Scholar

                                                                                                              profile  page,  accumulating  a  total  of

                                                                                                              15085 citations.

                                                                                                              Additionally,  two  scientists  from  the  CE

                         Showcasing                                                                           are  among  the  top  2%  on  the  Stanford

                                                                                                              list, which are Dr. Mazhar Ul Islam from

                                                                                                              the Department of Chemical Engineering,
                         Research                                                                             College  of  Engineering,  who  has  been

                                                                                                              selected  for  the  fourth  consecutive  year

                         Excellence                                                                           under  the  single-year  impact  indicator

                                                                                                              and  for  the  first  time  under  the  career-

                                                                                                              long  impact  indicator.  Dr.  Shaukat  Khan
                         and  Scholarly                                                                       from  the  Department  of  Chemical

                                                                                                              Engineering has been selected under the

                         Achievements                                                                         single-year  impact  indicator  for  the

                                                                                                              second time.

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