Page 42 - Final 3- Newsletter Spring 2023-2024
P. 42



                                    LEARNING AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT

                                                                                                                                                                    M A Y   1 0 ,   2 0 2 4

                                                                                                          By  addressing  skill  development  and

                     “Empowering                                                                          continuous                   learning,                the            session

                                                                                                          emphasized  the  importance  of  staying

                     lifelong learning                                                                    competitive  in  a  dynamic  professional

                     to thrive in a
                                                                                                          This  initiative  reflects  Dhofar  University's

                     dynamic job                                                                          dedication  to  supporting  lifelong  learning

                                                                                                          and            community                     engagement.                      By

                     market.”                                                                             leveraging virtual platforms, the university

                                                                                                          ensures              accessibility                 and          inclusivity,

           On  May  10,  2024,  Dr.  Lamiaa  Mostafa,  a                                                  fostering  growth  and  development  across

           lecturer  in  the  Department  of  Architectural                                               diverse  segments  of  society.  Participants

           Engineering at Dhofar University, delivered                                                    praised the workshop for its relevance and

           an online workshop in collaboration with the                                                   practical  insights,  highlighting  its  value  in

           Center             for        Community                   Service              and             bridging  the  gap  between  education  and

           Continuing  Education.  The  virtual  session,                                                 career advancement.

           conducted  via  Zoom,  aimed  to  reach  a

           broader  audience  and  enhance  learning

           and  development  skills  for  post-graduate


           The  workshop  focused  on  equipping

           participants  with  the  tools  and  strategies

           needed to adapt to the evolving demands of

           the job market.

              Community Service                                                                                                                                     CE

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