Page 37 - Final 3- Newsletter Spring 2023-2024
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D H O F A R   U N I V E R S I T Y   S T U D E N T S

   E X P L O R E   S A L A L A H   P R O T E C T I O N   D A M

                                                                                                                                                                  A P R I L   2 5 ,   2 0 2 4

         On April 25, 2024, the Department of Water

         Resources  in  Dhofar  Governorate,  in                                                       “Real-world

         collaboration                   with           Dhofar              University,

         arranged a field visit for students enrolled in                                               insights                                  into

         CIVE  340  Engineering  Hydrology,  a  course

         in the Department of Civil and Environmental                                                  flood

         Engineering.                    Accompanied                        by          their          protection

         instructor, Dr. Mahaad Issa Shammas, Chair

         of the Department of Civil and Environmental                                                  and

         Engineering, the students participated in an

         on-site lecture delivered by Eng. Mohammed                                                    sustainability”

         Khalfan  Shamas,  Head  of  Dams  at  the

         Department of Water Resources.
                                                                                                          The  lecture  provided  an  in-depth  look  at  the

                                                                                                          design  and  drainage  systems  of  the  Salalah

                                                                                                          Protection Dam, focusing on its flood prevention

                                                                                                          strategies.  Eng.  Shamas  also  discussed  the

                                                                                                          dam’s catchment area, storage capacity, and its

                                                                                                          effectiveness  during  Cyclone  Mekunu  in  May

                                                                                                          2018,  when  it  retained  significant  volumes  of

                                                                                                          water. This field visit offered students a valuable

                                                                                                          opportunity  to  understand  the  operational  and

                                                                                                          protective functions of the dam. It highlights the

                                                                                                          ongoing  cooperation  between  DU  and  the

                                                                                                          Directorate  of  Water  Resources  to  enhance

                                                                                                          practical learning and community engagement.

              Field Trips                                                                                                                                           CE

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