Page 32 - Final 3- Newsletter Spring 2023-2024
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                                              W O R K S H O P S

                                                                                                                        A P R I L   2 9 ,   2 0 2 4

         On April 29, 2024, Dhofar University hosted

         a  transformative  workshop  on  Action

         Research                  in        Architecture                   Pedagogy.                        ACTION

         Organized  by  the  Centre  for  Teaching  and

         Learning,  the  event  aimed  to  enhance                                                           RESEARCH                                                                 IN

         teaching  methodologies  in  the  field  of

         architecture  through  collaborative  research

         and innovative discussions.                                                                         ARCHITECTURE

         The              workshop                    featured                 insightful

         presentations by Dr. Abbas Mahmoud Abbas                                                            PEDAGOGY

         Hassan  and  Dr.  Fatemeh  Khozaei  from  the

         Department  of  Architectural  Engineering,

         College of Engineering.

                                                                                                          Faculty             members                  from           the         College              of

                                                                                                          Engineering gathered in the CE Meeting Room

                                                                                                          to  explore  new  strategies  for  improving

                                                                                                          architectural education.

                                                                                                          This  initiative  underscores  Dhofar  University’s

                                                                                                          commitment                       to          advancing                    educational

                                                                                                          excellence and fostering an engaging academic

                                                                                                          environment.  By  encouraging  collaborative

                                                                                                          efforts  and  innovation  in  pedagogy,  the

                                                                                                          university continues to position itself as a leader

                                                                                                          in higher education.

              Workshops                                                                                                                                             CE

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