Page 105 - Annual Research Report 2018-19
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6   DU/AY/2018- Dr. Wasi           CE      Web of    First        Low temperature     Material letters      200
          19/RPI-006     Ahmed                   Science  Author        synthesis of iron
                                                  with IF               pyrite (FeS2)
                                                                        Nano spheres as
                                                                        a strong solar
                                                                        absorber material
      7   DU/AY/2018- Dr. Mohd.          CE      Web of    Second       Surrogate-          Computers &           150
          19/RPI-007     Shariq                  Science  Author        assisted modeling  Chemical
                         Khan                     with IF               and optimization    Engineering
                                                                        of a natural-gas
                                                                        liquefaction plant
      8   DU/AY/2018- Dr. Umer           CE      Web of    First        Inter-FPGA          Design                200
          19/RPI-008     Farooq                  Science  Author        interconnect        automation for
                                                  with IF               topologies          embedded
                                                                        exploration for     systems
      9   DU/AY/2018- Dr. Mazhar         CE      Web of    Second       Preparation and     International         150
          19/RPI-009     Ul Islam                Science  Author        structural          Journal of
                                                  with IF               characterization of  Biological
                                                                        surface modified    Macromolecules
                                                                        bacterial cellulose
                                                                        scaffolds: A
                                                                        potential material
                                                                        for skin
                                                                        applications in
                                                                        vitro and in vivo
     10  DU/AY/2018- Dr.                CCBA     Web of    First        Knowledge           Journal of            200
          19/RPI-010     Mohammed                Science  Author        transfer and        cleaner
                         Hamdoun                  with IF               organizational      production
                                                                        Impacts of quality
                                                                        and environmental
     11  DU/AY/2018- Dr. Md.             CE      Web of    Second       Cyclic RGD-         European              200
          19/RPI-011     Wasi                    Science  Author        coated ultra small   Journal of
                         Ahmed                    with IF               Gd2O3               Inorganic
                                                                        nanoparticles as    Chemistry
                                                                        positive magnetic
                                                                        resonance image
                                                                        contrast agents
     12  DU/AY/2018- Dr. Md.             CE      Web of    First        Exfoliated          Journal of            300
          19/RPI-012     Wasi                    Science  Author        graphene            Molecular
                         Ahmed                    with IF               reinforced          Structure
                                                                        with high dielectric
                                                                        permittivity at low

                                 11  Annual Research Report for AY 2018-19
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