Page 106 - Annual Research Report 2018-19
P. 106

     13  DU/AY/2018- Dr.                  CL      AJHL     First         ةينوناقلا صوصنلا ريسفت   ثاحبلأل ليج ةلجم  100
          19/RPI-013     Mohamede                          Author             عيرشتلا ءوض يف        ةقمعملا نوناقلا
                         Lmadani                                              يئاضقلا داهتجلااو
                         Elshref                                           لوح ةسارد( ينادوسلا
                                                                                )ينعملاو رهاظلا
     14  DU/AY/2018- Mr. Moosa          CAAS     Web of    First        Theory-practice     Arab World            200
          19/RPI-014     Ahmed Ali               Science  Author        gaps in             English Journals
                         Sulaiman                 with IF               developing critical
                                                                        thinking: Insights
                                                                        from a
                                                                        pedagogical study
                                                                        in Omani context
     15  DU/AY/2018- Dr. Sobhy          CAAS     Web of    Second       Training program    Arab World            150
          19/RPI-015     Ahmed                   Science  Author        in the framework    English Journals
                         Soliman                  with IF               of rogers' theory
                                                                        of blended
                                                                        learning: A case
                                                                        of teachers of
                                                                        technology in
     16  DU/AY/2018- Dr. Khalid           CL      AJHL     First           ىلع ةيلوؤسملا ىوعد   ثلحبلأل ليج ةلجم  100
          19/RPI-016     Taufeeq                           Author                ةلامعلا تاكرش      ةقمعملا ةينوناقلا
     17  DU/AY/2018- Dr.                  CL      AJHL     First              ةباقر ةهاجو عقاو   ةينوناقلا مولعلا ةلجم  150
          19/RPI-017     Mohammed                          Author         يف تاعيرشتلا ة يروتسد        ةيداصتقلإاة
                         Abdullah                                             ةلودو مامع ةنطلس
                         Shawabkeh                                         ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملإا
     18  DU/AY/2018- Dr.                  CL      AJHL     First         عئاقولا ةيمهأ ريدقت ةباقر   مولعلاو قوقحلا ةلجم  100
          19/RPI-018     Mohammed                          Author             ةرادلإا اهيعدت يتلا        ةين اسنلإا
                         Abdullah                                                     اهتارارقل
     19  DU/AY/2018- Dr. Iryna          CAAS     Web of    First        Are the speech      SAGE Open             200
          19/RPI-019     Lenchuk                 Science  Author        acts of EFL
                                                  with IF               learners really
                                                                        direct ? The case
                                                                        of requests in the
                                                                        Omani EFL
     20  DU/AY/2018- Dr. Ahmed           CE      Scopus  First          Modem network       Alexandria            100
          19/RPI-020     Abu Elanien                       Author       reconfiguration     Engineering
                                                                        techniques for      Journal
                                                                        service restoration
                                                                        system : a step to
                                                                        a master grid

                                 11  Annual Research Report for AY 2018-19
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