Page 87 - Annual Research Report 2018-19
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7.     Alam, Shabbir  Dhofar            Oil and Non-Oil Revenues in  2018,
                                                    University        Gulf Countries - A            International
                                                                      Comparative Analysis          Journal of
                                   Mohammad                           between Oman and UAE          Contemporary
                                   Noor                                                             Research in
                                   Alam,                                                            Humanities and
                                                                                                    Social Sciences,
                                                                                                    Vol.  7 , pp: 44-
                              8.    I.Yilmaz,       Dhofar            The Effects of Intellectual   2018, Eurasian
                                                    University        Capital on Financial          Journal of
                                   G.Acar                             Performance and Market        Business and
                                                                      Value: Evidence from          Economics,
                                                                      Turkey                        11(21), 117-13

                              9.    I.Yilmaz,       Dhofar            Corporate Governance and      2018, Journal of
                                                    University        Financial Performance         Accounting,
                                                                      Relationship: Case for        Finance and
                                                                      Oman Companies                Auditing Studies,
                                                                                                    4 (4), 84-106
                              10.   M.O. Kaymaz,    Clarion           The Impact of Intangible      2019,
                                                    University        Factors on                    Copernican
                                   I.Yilmaz         Dhofar            Profitability:Evidence From   Journal of
                                                    University        Corporations Traded At        Finance and
                                                                      Muscat Securities Market In   Accounting,
                                   O.Kaymaz         Turkish           Oman                          volume 8, issue
                                                    Airlines                                        2, 27-49
                              11.   Noorwani        University        The Attitude of Mobile Users  2018,
                                   Mohd Nazari      kuala lumpur      on Mobile Marketing: Case     International
                                                                      Study on Fast Food            Journal Of
                                   Mohd Faiq Bin                      Restaurant at Bukit Bintang   Engineering &
                                   Abdul Fattah                                                     technology, Vol.
                                                                                                    7(3.30), pp: 48 -
                                   Zalina Binti                                                     51
                                   Haslina Binti    Dhofar
                                   Yusoff           University

                              12.   Shireen         Dhofar            Capital Structure and its     2019,
                                   Rosario          University        Impact on Profitability – A   International
                                                                      Study of Indian Hotel         Journal of
                                   Kavita Chavali                     Industry                      Business and
                                                                                                    Review, Vol.
                                                                                                    6,Issue 1,64-72
                              13.   S Rosario       Dhofar            Relevance of Pricing Floor    2018, Asian
                                                    University        for Gypsum-A Case Study of  Journal of
                                   CA Rosario                         Oman                          Management ,
                                                                                                    Volume 9 ,Issue
                                                                                                    2, 885-890

                                 11  Annual Research Report for AY 2018-19
   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92