Page 88 - Annual Research Report 2018-19
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14.   Zaroug Bilal    Dhofar            Women Entrepreneurs:          Emerging Global
                                                    University        challenges and constrained    Business
                                                                      in Oman. A case of Muscat     Paradigms and
                                                                      Governorate                   Contemporary
                                                                                                    Issues (EGBPC
                                                                                                    2019/ , Muscat
                                                                                                    College , Oman,
                                                                                                    March 26, 2019
                              15.   Shareq          Dhofar            Factors influencing the       First College of
                                   Mohamed          University        students choice of            Business
                                                                      accounting As a major: a      Administration
                                                                      case study of university in   Symposium,
                                                                      Salalah, Oman                 towards Social
                                                                                                    responsibility ,
                                                                                                    innovation and
                                                                                                    Business ,
                                                                                                    University of
                                                                                                    Sharjah, Sharjah,
                                                                                                    UAE 7th March
                              16.   Mohammed        Dhofar            Oil and Non-Oil Revenues      National
                                   Noor Alam        University        in Gulf Countries - A         Symposium on
                                                                      Comparative Analysis          Business and
                                                                      between Oman and UAE          Economics
                                                                                                    Department of
                                                                                                    Studies, Ibri
                                                                                                    College of
                                                                                                    Technology , Ibri,
                                                                                                    Oman, May 10,
                              17.   Mohammed        Dhofar            Sustainable Business          The first College
                                   Noor Alam        University        Strategy for Growth,          of Business
                                                                      Profitability and             Administration
                                                                      Diversification: Case Study   Symposium:
                                                                      of Indian Tobacco Company  Towards social
                                                                      (ITC) Limited)                responsibility,
                                                                                                    innovation and
                                                                                                    University of
                                                                                                    Sharjah, UAE ,
                                                                                                    Sharjah, UAE,
                                                                                                    March 07, 2019
                              18.   Shireen         Dhofar            An empirical study of the      2nd International
                                   Rosario          University        Impact of Economic Policy     Conference on
                                                                      Uncertainty on the  Payout    Advances in

                                 11  Annual Research Report for AY 2018-19
   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93